How one game set the tone for the week:

I was feeling annoyed… or so I thought.

It was “transition” night — my stepdaughter’s first night at our house after being with her mom for the week.

It’s always a big adjustment for everyone — and the summer schedule is a particularly jarring shift.

She was being short and seemed distant. I felt myself getting irritated.

I asked myself, “What’s under this annoyance?” and quickly realized…

… it was fear. Old insecurities were coming up.

Guilt. Worrying she’ll always miss her mom more than enjoying time at our house.

And under that fear is love.

So then I asked myself...

“What would playfulness look like right now?”

“Wanna play a game?” I asked her.

She lit up and said, “Sure! Like what?”

We ended up making up a new, simple game together called, “What have you DONE!?”

How we played:

• We took turns asking, “What have you done?” using different accents or dramatic emotions.

• We answered in the same tone or expression.

• Responses varied from “I had a playdate” to “I ate a PB&J.”

As we played, she inched closer to me on the couch.

Before long, we were not only physically closer, but more emotionally connected through silliness and sharing moments from our week.

Play is healing — this has been studied and proven. This is especially true when it comes to working through separation anxiety or trauma.

And it’s been transformative for our family.

This simple game helped both of us:

  • I relaxed back into the reality that my stepdaughter and I have a strong, meaningful bond.
  • The silliness and closeness helped my stepdaughter cope with the emotions of transitioning between homes.

Invitation for the Week:

Notice when you’re feeling annoyed and ask yourself what’s underneath. Curiosity alone can be powerful.

As always, feel free to reply with your thoughts if any of this resonates! I love hearing from you.



P.S. I’m now offering one-on-one support through my Personal Play Plan & Coaching service, where we work together to develop playful skills for connecting with your kids. Tap the button below for more info + a 5% discount as a thank-you for subscribing!

*Discounts available for stepparents and single parents; reply to this email if that’s you!


By the way... do you have my $5 guide, "From Tired to Playful?" It's packed with mindset tips and over 50 creative games for connection!

Playful Heart Parenting

I'm a mom, stepmom, and theatre educator who helps parents connect with their children by accessing their silly side! No messy arts and crafts, complicated activities, or sensory bins here -- just easy, simple, silly moments to share as a family. Short weekly emails include free resources, exclusive discounts, inspiration, playful tips, and easy game ideas.

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