I thought I'd never finish this email! 😮‍💨 But I did...

I'm so tired...

I can’t tell you how many times I got interrupted while trying to get this simple email out!

As a toddler mom and stepmom with no family in town, sometimes I feel like it’s impossible to get even the most simple things done.

Oh, and by the way... I’m also 23 weeks pregnant! (I haven't made this public on Instagram yet, so ya heard it here first! 😉)

Add in potty-training my son this week and I feel like I'm hanging on by a thread. (Stay tuned for playful potty training tips!)

See, I’m here in the thick of it with you.

That’s why I always want to make sure my resources are not just valuable but feel realistic, easy, and actually doable for parents.

I can promise you that our upcoming 7-Day Play Challenge is all of those things!

Each day, starting May 4th, participants will get a quick video message from me with a playful intention and easy, specific ideas that take less than ten minutes — you’ll also have the option to send me responses and check in throughout the week.

We did the first round of this in January and it was so nice to connect with parents in this really personal way.

Here's what one participant said:

"I loved the challenge!! It was really well presented -- how brilliant to use Marco Polo! For the cost of Starbucks, it was a no-brainer. Thank you for the work that you do and the content you create."

I’d love for you to join us. Get more info here:


We’ve also got a new, free, private Facebook group going — it’s small and cozy so far, which is kind of cool and more personal!

I’m personally approving each member to make sure it’s a safe space for sharing ideas, wins, and struggles.

Here’s something a mom in our group shared the other day that I totally related to:

“I feel like motherhood somehow made me lose all my natural spontaneity and goofiness (I guess because someone had to move the day along and check all the to-do boxes??) and I so appreciate the permission I feel like Mia gives me to not take everything so seriously and just have fun with my kids again!“

That is exactly how I felt when I first became a stepmom! It took me a while to get back in touch with my playful, silly side, too.


Here are some recent games we’ve been loving in our house:

  1. The Definition Game: Take turns making up a fake word, then going around the room making up fake definitions for the word and using it in a sentence. My stepdaughter is only eight but she was hilarious at this game! My favorite word from the last round was: “nillybillium.”
  2. Random Props: Choose a random item (like a pool noodle) and take turns saying a funny line while using it for a silly reason. (Example: "Be honest, is this mustache a little too much?" while holding the pool noodle under your nose).
  3. The "Who are YOU?" Game: My stepdaughter and toddler both want to play this just about every night before bed! They take turns running out of the bedroom, then knocking on the door. When we answer, we pretend to have no idea who they are (in a silly way) and act frightened/confused, then excited and happy when they tell us who they are. It's so silly and simple, but is a great way to get the sillies out before bed.


I've got some (more) exciting announcements coming your way next month!

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your playful parenting journey -- it’s an honor.

Until next time,



If you do not yet have my free list of 25 Easy And Silly Moments To Share With Your Kids -- or if you got the version where numbers 4 and 18 were accidentally the same (oops!), here it is:

25 Easy Silly Moments updated.pdf

I also relied on this one heavily while feeling so sick and tired during my first trimester:

Using AI For Connection & Quality Time 15 Creative ChatGPT Prompts.pdf

Playful Heart Parenting

I'm a mom, stepmom, and theatre educator who helps parents connect with their children by accessing their silly side! No messy arts and crafts, complicated activities, or sensory bins here -- just easy, simple, silly moments to share as a family. Short weekly emails include free resources, exclusive discounts, inspiration, playful tips, and easy game ideas.

Read more from Playful Heart Parenting

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