playful heart parenting

Why are you asking for my email address?

Great question!
I have a great answer.


Inbox overwhelm is totally a thing. Mental clutter. Who needs more of it?!

When I give out my email, it's gotta be for content I ACTUALLY like/need/want.

Here's why I'm asking for your email address in exchange for this free product:

You probably found me through Instagram, right? Yay!

But also... WHOMP WHOMP... social media is not reliable in the long run.

Chances are you won't see most (or even any) of my content in your feed. That's just the way the algorithm works -- or should I say... doesn't work.

Accounts get hacked, algorithms change, and apps can even go down completely.

Email is definitely the best way for us to stay connected and make this a long-term friendship, as opposed to a one-and-done post that goes to die in your "saved" folder on IG.

"Okay... but, like, are you going to be annoying about it?"

Ew, I hope not! I want to make sure I'm sending you valuable, helpful content and contributing to your life in a positive way -- not an annoying way. So, I work hard to try to do just that.

So, here's what I promise you:

My emails will be full of what brought you to this page in the first place, plus:

New free resources, exclusive discounts, and easy play ideas.

Plus a more personal touch than you're ever gonna get from an IG caption.

Why your subscription means so much to me:

I work my mama booty off each day to offer tons of free, valuable content for parents who want to be more silly and playful. I love it.

Subscribing to these newsletters is a small, free, easy way to support and encourage me, which allows me to continue doing this important work.

AND -- you can always unsubscribe if you decide this content is not for you.

(But if you're downloading this free resource, I'm willing to bet this content IS for you!)

Playful Heart Check-Ins

If you're not already signed up for my emails, make sure to subscribe below to get more of what brought you here in the first place -- free resources and playful inspiration, plus exclusive discounts!

    We respect your privacy. Unsubscribe at any time.